Case Studies
Pressure Blower for a Combustion Burner on a Thermal Oxidizer
Introducing the P06A, a key component of our innovative P## series of pressure blowers. We are pleased to highlight this compact yet powerful blower, meticulously engineered for a combustion burner on a thermal oxidizer for a valued customer in Texas.
AirPro is excited to spotlight this custom pressure blower our engineers designed for a biochar processing facility in Texas. This P10A size 250 recirculates piping hot air (1,400ºF!) as part of the pyrolysis process to make biochar.
We here at AirPro love candy, so it was with great enthusiasm that our engineers designed this size 200 BCMS fan for an international confectionary outfit that makes popular candies. A BCMS fan was selected to meet the medium volume clean air requirement at moderate static pressure.
AirPro built this hefty backward inclined, high volume, single width fan for a track kiln that dries pressure treated poles by delivering heated air from a burner to the kiln. It then recirculates a portion of hot air in the kiln to maintain a set temperature.