Fans and Blowers: Vital Pollution Control Equipment
Air pollution in the form of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) is a byproduct of industrial process manufacturing across sectors and products. Prominent in fossil fuel processing but present anywhere there is combustion or chemicals, manufacturers must employ pollution control equipment in their operations to eliminate or reduce harmful gasses in their emissions.

Industrial air treatment processes protect the environment and people in and around production facilities throughout the world. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates emissions, with heavy penalties for failure to comply. That makes pollution control equipment, including centrifugal fans and blowers, just as vital to plant operations as the primary production process equipment.
Our representatives with Industrial Fan Solutions and Schaefer Industrial Air often work with pollution control equipment, so we spoke with them to get some insights for you.
Reps Weigh In on Pollution Control Equipment
Industrial Fan Solutions (IFS) represents AirPro Fan & Blower Company in Southern California. Schaefer Industrial Air represents AirPro Fan & Blower Company across Northern Illinois and Northwest Indiana. Both rep agencies serve clients with pollution control equipment on a daily basis and have garnered extensive experience in specifying centrifugal fans and blowers for industrial pollution abatement systems as well as many other industrial fan applications.
AirPro representatives Todd Schaefer, Schaefer Industrial Air, and Tim Siverhus, IFS, outlined the important role fans and blowers play in pollution control equipment. Here are some highlights from our conversations with Tim and Todd.
Reliability and Custom Engineering Key
Industrial air filtration solutions and pollution control equipment span a number of industrial applications depending on each unique environment. Here are some of the most common:
Dilution Air
Dilution air applications reduces the concentration of contaminate in the plant emissions by injecting fresh air into the airstream before exhausting it.
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
SCR applications convert harmful nitrogen oxides into safe diatomic nitrogen and water using a variety of catalysts.
Scrubbers remove or neutralize toxic gasses in the airstream.
Oxidizers destroy volatile organic compound (VOCs)gasses by transporting gases to a high heat chamber (typically between 1500°F ~ 1700°F)
Fans at the Heart of Pollution Control Equipment Applications
“The pollution control equipment, especially the fan, simply has to work. The alternative is costly and dangerous. That’s why it’s so important to focus on supplying a highly reliable piece of equipment. This is accomplished by understanding the customer’s process, and engineering/manufacturing a robust fan tailored to the unique demands of each application. Critical machinery like this needs to come from a quality manufacturer that absolutely stands behind their product,” says Schaefer. “AirPro’s reputation and expertise in custom-engineered fans really speak volumes. Their fans are efficient and they last, and in the rare case something goes wrong, they’re on it.”
These applications may seem straightforward, but there are many ways to ensure smooth operation and long life beyond just selecting the right fan. Every job requires careful design consideration of the application environment and fan function to engineer for things like high temperature, corrosion, efficiency, material, high pressure, and ducting.
“Don’t underestimate the power of innovation, and customer-driven engineering,” adds Siverhus. “Features like AirPro’s modular fan bearing and motor pedestal, the precision of their final trim balancing, their commitment to on-time delivery add enormous value, longevity, and make the installation much easier and more cost-efficient. I always refer to an industrial fan or blower as the “heart” of a system. If the heart is compromised, so is the system. AirPro fans are built with integrity which provides peace of mind for myself and my clients. That’s what you need in pollution control equipment or any fan application.“
Learn More
We want to thank our rep partners at Schaefer Industrial Air and Industrial Fan Solutions for their contributions to our Pollution Control Equipment application overview. If you want to learn more or discuss your application in Northern Illinois or Northwest Indiana, contact Todd Schaefer at (630) 672-4242. If you’re in California, Arizona, or Nevada and have questions or an application to discuss, contact Tim Siverhus at (213) 381-5548.
Related Content
Here are related posts and case studies that might be of interest as you think about your application.
- Serving Thermal Oxidizer Manufacturers with Industrial Fan Solutions
- Talking SCR Systems with Schaefer Industrial Air
- Dilution Air Fan Installation: Breathe Easy
- Case Study: Asphalt Plant Installation
- Pollution Control Applications
We’ll be highlighting several more of our applications and reps through the course of the year. Keep your eye on the All Things Fans blog and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date, and please join the conversation on LinkedIn.
Contact us for a connection with your local rep or to schedule an appointment with an application engineer.