by Keith White, Jr.
The Other Guys
Sometimes researching a manufacturing company to purchase goods from exposes marketing language that conveys an air of having “arrived,” as if the brand operates on a higher plane. The implication is that owning their products grants access to this exclusive realm of rarified air. This approach can feel off-putting, though the specific reason for this reaction can be difficult to articulate—the undeniable sentiment it evokes just feels off.
By Keith White, Jr.
Typically in manufacturing, a customer purchases a product and the vendor agrees to ship that product by a certain date. Seems like a simple business-to-business transaction, right? Unfortunately, for anyone involved in manufacturing for any length of time we know things do not always proceed this way. Sometimes on-time delivery feels more like the exception than the rule, and at AirPro that’s not good enough for us.
by Keith White Jr
Most people have experienced the keen frustration of slow response times from a business or vendor. Send an inquiry and wait two weeks just for an automated response. It’s particularly frustrating when the customer wants to place an order. The order cycle seems universal to most industries and businesses, but moving through it efficiently does not always happen.
This RTHS 490 fan for a recycling and salvage facility in Texas required a custom design to withstand a rugged and demanding environment. Our radial tipped fan is our sturdiest heavy-duty fan, suited perfectly for this abrasive application and location. Designed to move high volumes of air at low to high pressure, this enormous fan handles both clean and dirty airstreams with ease.