Minnesota may be the land of 10,000 lakes, but it’s also home to an industrial fan sales powerhouse, Glacier Technology. Founded by Scott Clausen in 1995, Glacier serves as an expert in the OEM fan business. Today’s Rep Highlight features Glacier’s #1 rep and friend to AirPro, Brian Gordon.
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This RTHS 490 fan for a recycling and salvage facility in Texas required a custom design to withstand a rugged and demanding environment. Our radial tipped fan is our sturdiest heavy-duty fan, suited perfectly for this abrasive application and location. Designed to move high volumes of air at low to high pressure, this enormous fan handles both clean and dirty airstreams with ease.
This spray drying application for a dairy facility in Minnesota required a food grade fan to facilitate the production of whey protein. It features a backward curved BCLS fan with a narrowly housed 42-inch wheel that can reach up to 1947 rpm.
This ID Fan was built for a waste treatment plant and offers strong performance with minimal energy costs. The backward curved impeller can move high volumes of air at high static pressures with high static efficiencies. Installed in 2017, the plant manager boasted that “this fan has been running 24/7 since 2017 and I have not had one single issue.” This fan is the M1 Abrams of industrial fans!
Cleveland, OH, best known as the hometown of NBA superstar Lebron James, is also home to one of the leading industrial air filtration and ventilation companies in the U.S. right now. 3B Air Systems specializes in air filtration systems with a particular focus on customer success. For these reasons, Mike Krayer, owner and founder of 3B Air Systems, is the focus of this month’s AirPro Rep Highlight.
AirPro engineers designed this custom baghouse fan for a Mississippi River barge that unloads corn and soybeans. This fan connects to a larger zipper duct that moves down the barge. Featuring a 54.2” diameter backward curved wheel, the fan is direct drive with an arrangement 8 configuration and includes a pie-split housing for easy maintenance access to the wheel/shaft.
This fan includes a stainless-steel airstream and other custom options for a food grade material-handling application.
As a Representative of AirPro, David Towle, Founder of Dynamic Air Solutions, Provides Industrial Ventilation Solutions in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida
AirPro designed this very unique forced draft blower for a “closed loop nitrogen system” in a chemical cooling application. This direct drive blower features a 316 stainless steel shrouded radial pressure blower wheel inside a pie split housing. AirPro had to meet specific customer requirements and space considerations for this design.