By Keith White, Jr

Successful businesses are often born out of trials. AirPro Fan & Blower manufactures some of the finest industrial fans on the market today. Our 21-year history includes trial and error, setbacks, and unintended failures to bring us this far as a company. As C.S. Lewis once quipped, “Failures are fingerposts on the road to achievement.” Our failures have helped us grow as a company and have enriched our company culture. And now, as a 100% ESOP—a company with an Employee Stock Ownership Plan—failure plays a key role in our success because we do not like to fail.

Reasons for Measuring a Fan 

Generally, there are two reasons to measure a centrifugal fan – the user wants to retrofit the fan (or parts) or replace it with a new fan. In either case, accurate measurements are critical to replicating the system currently in place, especially if no drawing is available. If possible, separate or isolate the fan from the system to access key measurement points. If duct work on the inlet or outlet is in the way, this could impact measurement accuracy. 

Lee Free from Centro, Inc.

One of the most interesting sales reps in the industrial fan industry hails from Shelby County, Tennessee and if asked in the 1980s if he would be a Division Sales Manager for a supplier of automation and product solutions, he probably would have given the side-eye and kept walking. In this month’s Rep Highlight we introduce you to Mr. Lee Free of Centro, Inc.